Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rodeo Day 2

One of my clients got the day off work for Rodeo Day which we celebrate down in Tucson. I took him to the rodeo grounds and we were able to catch the end of the parade as well as the Junior Rodeo. Sadly my shift ended before I got to watch the adult rodeo, but we had a lot of fun.
I think this is the only decent picture I got of the barrel racing. I had a tendency to cut off peoples heads, or the camera focused on the bars instead of the riders.
Once again the top picture the cowboy just fell off and the bull is making his escape. I think the bottom picture is my favorite. I got the animal in motion and the rider all in the same shot.

The 4, 5, and 6 year olds got to try riding the sheep. The top picture is the sheep being herded to one end of the area, the bottom the little boy just fell off. It was difficult to time the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!! Looks like you guys had tons of fun there!! Wish I could have come with you, I miss all those cowboys in them wranglers :)
